May 2019 – Ohio and Niagara

Any time we get a chance to bird Magee Marsh in Ohio during spring migration we have to take advantage of it. Sharon’s flight arrived almost three hours late which gave Mike time to visit the Football Hall of Fame. Straight from the airport to the boardwalks for some birding before dark.
Weather was cold and breezy, so 2019 was not our birdiest year at Magee but it is always good. More birders than warblers this time for sure. We did see eleven warbler species but not many individuals. Some of our favorites are the Cape May, Magnolia, and Chestnut-sided. There was an Eastern Screech-Owl, so well camouflaged that a birder stands there until the next group walks up. The Sora was a new Ohio bird for us. Forty-four species in under two hours is great birding.
Birders Eastern Screech-Owl Sora
Early the next morning we went to one of the new Metroparks, Howard Marsh Park. This was mainly driving due to weather. A few ducks were seen, Caspian Terns and lots of peeps that we were not expecting. Afterward, we took a drive down Seaman Road and saw six Tundra Swans, one of our Ohio target birds.
Horned Lark Least Sandpipers Tundra Swans
Lake Erie was flooding so many of the birding spots were unreachable and in fact, several of the roads on our way were flooded and required driving slow through fairly deep water. We tried to bird at Pipe Creek, but the water was just too high. Lot’s of good birds including Baltimore Oriole and American Goldfinch in a nearby field. The Barn and Tree Swallows really put on a show.
Barn and Tree Swallow
Niagara Falls is beautiful day and night. We planned on birding, but it was a complete rain out before sunset. Our best luck in the casino was the free buffets for signing up. Later we walked down to the falls for the amazing light show put on from both the American and Canadian sides.
Time to head to the Central Adirondacks. One of our favorite stops is Matteson’s Market in Woodgate, NY. We were in the greenhouse looking for a hanging plant and saw a Ruby-throated Hummingbird loving one particular plant. Picked a different one out of courtesy and attracted a hummingbird at home. Matteson’s has some of the best baked goods and stuffed cabbage you will find. Check them the next time you are traveling up State Route 28.
Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Trip Birds: 65 Year Birds: 12 Life Birds: 0
Next Up: ADK Yard Birds & Butterflies
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