November 2018 – NYC Central Park Birding

After spending Thanksgiving Day with family, the following morning we flew to NYC for some city birding. Central Park has always been one of our favorite places and we found a guy online named Birding Bob who regularly does casual birding tours through the park.
First we decided to take the subway to One World Trade and purchased the tour to the Observatory at the very top. The day was very clear and there is a magnificent 360 degree view of Manhattan and the surrounding area. On the way back we could not resist a chance for shopping at Macy’s, which on Black Friday was an absolute madhouse.
One World Trade View From One World Trade Macy’s Black Friday
Saturday morning was quite cold with temperatures in the mid forties when we met at the Boat House. Besides being a very likeable guy, Bob is an excellent birder who knows Central Park like the back of his hand. Right away we found several Tufted Titmouse in the bushes along the path through the Ramble. Apparently there has been an irruption of this species in the Northeast and especially here during the fall of 2018. Next, we spotted a Fox Sparrow (no decent photo) kicking up leaves with a few White-throated Sparrows nearby. Northern Cardinals are always stunning against the winter backdrop.
Tufted Titmouse Northern Cardinal
It was also a great day for raptors and we saw Cooper’s Hawk, Red-tailed Hawk, Red-shouldered Hawk, Barred Owl and Merlin. The Barred Owl was in it’s usual location by the Belvedere Castle.

All in all, its was a great morning of birding with a total of 26 species in Central Park. Some of the standouts include Pine Siskin, White and Red-breasted Nuthatches, Hermit Thrush and many Wood Ducks.
Pine Siskin Wood Duck
Sunday morning we took a side trip to Fort Tilden Beach on our way to New Jersey. Most noteworthy are Brant, Black Scoter, Northern Gannet and a couple of Great Black-backed Gulls.
Brant View from Hoboken
Lastly, here are two things for your must do list on your next visit to New York City. Sign up for the bird tour with Birding Bob. It will be the best $10 you ever spent. The second thing is to visit Hoboken for magnificent views of the NYC skyline. While there make sure you visit Carlo’s Bakery, aka Cake Boss.
Trip Birds: 38 Life Birds: 0
Next Up: Atlanta and Jekyll Island
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