We have always wanted to see a murmuration and thanks to the Tampa Audubon Society Facebook page we found out about one in Hillsborough County. A murmuration is hundreds or thousands of birds (usually starlings) flying together in ever-changing patterns. It is a truly amazing sight for anyone lucky enough to see one. Tree Swallows are the first swallow species to migrate north and many spend the winter in Florida. They are a beautiful iridescent blue and white bird and a species we frequently see when we summer in the Adirondacks.

Tree Swallow
We arrived at the area around Cockroach Bay Preserve and watched for about a half hour where the birds never stopped coming in but it didn’t seem like enough for a murmuration. All the while a spectacular sunset was happening behind us.

Swallows in the Sunset
Next, we drove further northeast on Gulf City Road to the intersection with Smilodon Trail where quite a few cars had pulled over. Gathering the bins and camera we rushed to the fence line to join the group viewing the spectacle of thousands of swallows bunching together into a huge cloud. Several people were saying ‘wait for it’ so we knew something special was going to happen. Then as if on cue the swallows formed a funnel and all at once started diving to the ground in unison. It was like watching a giant pepper shaker in the sky dumping swallows until it’s empty. We estimated 100,000 Tree Swallows in the murmuration.

1.000’s of Swallows

Swallow Funnel
It was an amazing sight for us and the several dozen other birders there that night. Seeing a spectacle like this murmuration makes me think of the phrase: “If you see something, say something”. So glad the Tampa Audubon did! We hope to see this again next year.
Next up: West Palm to Sebastian
Trip Birds: 10 Life Birds: 0