This weekend we were in Miami for the Miami International Boat Show. The show is the largest marine show in North America with almost 2,000 boating businesses and more than 1,000 boats. Mike goes to the Miami Boat Show every year. He works for Teakdecking Systems so if you need anything related to teak decks please contact him. This year we both went and managed to squeeze in a little birding.
Miami Beach and the surrounding area are known for parrots and parakeets. There have been rumors circulating for years that many are escapes during Hurricane Andrew but most of the research indicates they are escapes from the exotic bird trade. They are beautiful birds and we love to see them even if most are not countable for a bird list. eBird shows 24 species of parrot/parakeet that are regularly seen in Miami-Dade County. We saw three on this trip: Monk Parakeets and Mitred Parakeet off 42nd Street and a Blue-and-yellow Macaw that flew over my head on the South Beach boardwalk. eBird can help you find recent parrot sightings but two reliable locations are Matheson Park and the neighborhoods around Kendall Hospital. Another great parrot hot spot is the neighborhood near Brewer Park which is known for Mitred and Red-masked Parakeets and Chestnut-fronted Macaw. Just listen and follow the squawks near sunset.
We like to get up early and walk the beach before the show. We picked up a few shore birds including Sanderling, Royal Terns, Herring and Lesser Black-backed Gulls.
One thing we know for sure when visiting Miami is you never know what you will see. You might even find a voodoo doll under a Banyan Tree!
Next stop: Local birding with the St. Petersburg Audubon Society
Trip : Total Species: 27 Year Birds: 8 Life Birds: 0
2015 : Year Birds: 110 Life Birds: 4
Here’s the list: 2015 Bird List
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